On Thursday July 21, 2016, the Career Summit welcomed nearly 1,000 boys and men of color (BMoC) between the ages of 18 to 29 with opportunities to interview with employers, connect to community resources, and participate in career preparation and leadership development training. Over 30 employers, including Target, Kaiser, Macy’s, and Starbucks, conducted 600 interviews and extended 350 job offers on the spot.
Leading The California Endowment’s efforts in executing this event, P4P engaged, activated, and assisted in aligning all participating organizations responsible for launching the Bay Area BMoC Employment Project. This collaborative project, which included partners My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, the Bay Area Council, LeadersUp, PolicyLink, and Urban Strategies Council, focused on overcoming the barriers to employment disproportionately affecting young men of color.
U.S. Secretary of Education John King, former NFL superstar and Oakland native Marshawn Lynch, Cabinet Secretary and Chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force Broderick Johnson, and other high-profile attendees participated and engaged directly with the young men.